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  • How does our new Salary Compensation Model work?
    We use annual data from the California Federation of Teachers (CFT) salary survey for determining the salary scale for full-time (both instructional and non-instructional) as well as part-time faculty (both instructional and non-instructional). Our agreement stipulates that YCCD salaries shall be compared with all community college districts in the State of California, of which there are currently seventy-one (71), not including the YCCD, and will be calculated to be at the median of that comparison. A key factor in this agreement is that our salaries will match that median in the following academic year, which is why it is referred to as a "trailing median." In this way, when other California Community College salaries increase, ours will, too. In the unlikely event that they decrease, ours will hold steady and not change. For complete information, check out Article 14 of the contract.
  • What is required to receive credit for professional improvement and to advance salary columns?
    Column movement is accomplished via the Professional Improvement process, which is described in the Guidelines found in Appendix A-4 and A-5 of the contract and on the YCCD website. Some key aspects of the Professional Improvement Guidelines are as follows: Activities must have prior approval to guarantee credit is received for approved requests. This is currently accomplished by submitting the request form found in the Guidelines to your dean. Within ten days of your dean’s approval, the appropriate vice president must evaluate the proposal and notify the faculty member or the request is automatically approved. Once approved, activities must be completed within two years or the request expires. After you’ve completed the activity, transcripts and post activity reports (again, see the Guidelines for details) must be submitted by August 1st to receive credit and column advancement for the coming academic year. Note that if you’re taking a class that ends in August, please notify HR ahead of time to get an extension through the month of August. Post Activity Reports are submitted to your dean. Transcripts are submitted directly to HR. Each April there is a window of opportunity to submit a proposal for an activity you completed for which you did not get prior approval. To utilize this opportunity, submit a proposal to your dean the same as you would in the first step. Note that approval is not guaranteed. HR follows-up with an email documenting the activity and the number of units earned. After you’ve earned sufficient credit to move a column, it’s important to confirm your pay and contracts reflect the increase. To confirm the status of Professional Improvement proposals or for questions, please contact Kaci Landis and/or Sandra Housden
  • How do I find information on the Faculty Service Area (FSA)?
    Article 20 of the YFA Faculty Contract states that faculty requesting an additional Faculty Service Area (FSA) must submit a completed FSA Application form and all evidence (i.e., transcripts, credentials, appropriate licenses, work experience verification, approved equivalencies, resume, etc.) to the appropriate Academic Senate Office by October 15. Please read Article 20 for specific information on eligibility criteria and the overall process. The FSA Committee will meet and finalize determinations by November 15 and those determinations will then appear on the December YCCD Board of Trustees agenda for approval. Upon Board approval, Human Resources will notify faculty applicants and the additional FSA will be recorded in the faculty member’s personnel file. If you should have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact the YFA office at or 209-575-6699.
  • How do I make a complaint that does not deal with discrimination?
    If faculty members have complaints that do not deal with unlawful discrimination, they can write a statement of complaint to the appropriate person. For example, if you have a complaint against a colleague, you can try talking with the colleague first. If that doesn't work, you can write a letter of complaint to your dean. Your VP/Grievance Officer will be happy to help you.
  • What is the effect of the Janus decision on YFA faculty?
    On June 27, the US Supreme Court handed down a decision in Janus v. AFSCME, ruling that public-sector employee unions (such as YFA) may no longer collect “fair share” or “agency” fees from employees who are not recognized as members of the union. For YFA members in good standing, the Janus decision will not affect your membership status. For non-member faculty, the decision means that the Payroll Department will no longer deduct the $20 per semester Fair Share Service Fee from your paycheck.
  • I want to retire soon. How do I know when the new salary with the 10% raise will be credited as a full year for STRS?
    This is a complicated question. First, by May 30th your new base salary will be in place and reflected in your paycheck. This will be the base salary figure that the District reports to STRS. However, the 2018/2019 base earnings will be short for all of us who stood together to strike against the District's unfair labor practices. For the sake of accuracy, if you are trying to calculate when you want to retire, you should contact STRS to discuss your years of service. You can contact them at: 800-228-5453 or 916-414-1099.

Re-hire Preference Points

Re-hire points are described in Article 7 of the CBA. Part-time faculty earn points based on the load taught each semester. New part-time hires start in Tier C and progress to Tier B after two successful evaluations. See Article 7 for details.

Note: The current lists do not distinguish between Tier B and C.

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