YFA is hearing about some faculty who are unsure about their current placement on the various salary schedules. Before you contact YFA for assistance, please do the following:
Check your EMPLOYEE PROFILE on PiratesNet or ConnectColumbia.
Click on POSITION SUMMARY. Look at your current and previous STEP.
Click on this link to the 2015-2016 YFA Contract and starting on page 89, look at your salary for the STEP and COLUMN prior to the salary increases.
Click on this link to the New Salary Schedules and look at your updated salary for your STEP and COLUMN.
If you are not on the correct STEP and COLUMN, contact the YCCD Payroll Office.
If Payroll does not correct what you think is a mistake, THEN contact your VP/Grievance Officer (either Iris Carroll or Erik Andal) for follow-up.