Under the previous contract, a full semester was calculated at 262.5 hours. Under the new contract, a full semester is calculated at 270 hours. In an effort to accommodate faculty who already have a full semester of banked leave at the previous rate of 262.5 hours, YFA has worked with the District over the summer to provide a transition as follows:
The 2019-2020 Academic Year will serve as the grace period to transition from a 262.50 hour semester to 270.
Faculty who take banked leave in FA19 and SP20 will receive that leave at the rate of 262.50 = 1 semester.
If faculty request to take leave in SP20, and that leave cannot be accommodated by the college, the District will work with YFA to find an amicable solution.
If faculty are on reassigned duties and cannot take leave in SP20, the District will work with YFA to find an amicable solution.
In order to take advantage of this transition plan, YOU MUST ACT to request taking your banked leave. To do so, please contact your Office of Instruction. You can also check out the Banked Leave Basics.