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1% Off Schedule Pay (OSP)

Updated: Mar 8, 2019

If any faculty experience pay discrepancies (no pay or wrong amount) regarding the 1% OSP on February 28 or March 8th, YFA is asking you to follow these procedures:

  1. Email the Payroll Office with your concerns;

  2. If you are satisfied with the response, case closed;

  3. If you are not satisfied with their response, forward your original email with the response from the Payroll Office to your grievance officer (Iris Carroll at MJC, me- Erik Andal at CC).

  4. Be patient. Because of the myriad of issues due to differing interpretations of the TA implementation since January, YFA and the District Payroll Office staff have had to work overtime.

BTW - your pay advises will show OSP for this payment.

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