YFASo Long, JimThank you for all of your hard work and accomplishments. Job well done! Enjoy a well-earned rest.
YFATake Our SurveyPlease complete the Faculty Survey for Fall 2019 Negotiations (Part 2) and let us know the three issues most important to you for the...
YFAMOU SignedOn April 4, 2019, YFA and the District signed the MOU clarifying the Tentative Agreement (2017-2020). You'll find a signed copy on our...
YFA2% Retro Pay (PTOL)Your actual part-time or overload pay will be used to calculate your retro pay. To calculate your 2% retro pay that will appear on your...
YFACongratulations New OfficersWe have a new YFA president. Congratulations to Shelley Akiona who was just elected. Her term begins May 1, 2019. Larry Scheg ran...
YFA2% Retro Pay (Full-Time Pay)The 2% retro pay that will appear in your check on Friday, March 29, was calculated by using the gross earnings from the end-of-month...
YFATwo DeadlinesWe have two imminent deadlines: Please be sure to vote for your next YFA President by March 29. Look for the vote email that was sent by...
YFANegotiations SurveyWant to help shape YFA negotiations starting this fall? It's simple. Fill out this short survey to let us know what issues are important...