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In The Know

Updated: Oct 27, 2020

Remote Operations at MJC and Columbia College, Day 59…...


I’m writing today from my living room, contemplating the COVID craziness of the Spring term….then two Mondays ago, many of you started teaching in Summer with no break, all while working in rearranged home workspaces at home -- still managing your families’ needs and navigating the new uncertainties. Though the end to this wild ride is not yet in sight, I hope you are finding moments of rest and new resilience to press on.

Below is a quick YFA update on the budget, remote operations with a focus on the Summer term, and negotiations.

State Budget Shortfall

By now you have heard the news of the State Budget shortfall. In a nutshell, Gov. Newsom reported that the COLA for 20-21 has been eliminated, the SCFF funding formula will be cut by nearly $600 Mil, and the reduction to the CCC system will be approximately 8-10%. There will also be a reduction to Strong Workforce funds ($135 Mil), Student Equity & Achievement funds ($69 Mil). We will likely see deferred payments to CCCs statewide this summer ($330 Mil) and additional deferred payments through 2021-22 ($662 Mil). The deficit is projected to last over several years. We do not yet know what the effects will be at YCCD.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, 5/19,at 1:30pm, there is a Board of Trustees Study Session with a Budget Presentation. Here’s the Agenda and YouTube link. Join me to hear from Chancellor Yong and Vice Chancellor Yaeger on the YCCD and State Budgets. If you are a member of FACCC, I suggest registering for their May Revise budget webinar tomorrow at 1:00 pm.

Summer Work as a Result of COVID-19

If you are being asked to do extra work as a result of COVID-19, you should be compensated. We are in conversations with College & District administration and we are working on MOU language. If you have required labs that cannot be taught remotely, or you are part of participatory governance work/meetings during the summer, please check in with YFA or your Academic Senate presidents for details on stipends that should be available. YFA is advocating on your behalf.

Negotiations / Benefits / Ratification

As many of you may know, YFA was able to negotiate a side letter agreement to our contract that addresses faculty rights during this unprecedented time. If you haven't seen it yet, here is the COVID Impacts Side Letter for your review.

Our last scheduled negotiations meeting was held on May 8th. Both teams have not yet agreed to a salary compensation model and as of this writing we do not have scheduled additional negotiations dates. The due date to complete that work is June 30, before a 2% increase is triggered, with the option of an extension of up to six months. As expected, the cost to our base Blue Shield health insurance plan has increased by $56 per month, effective October of this year. We will update you as negotiations on benefits progress. The negotiations team hopes to reach a TA over the summer. If we do, we will be hosting a General Meeting for the membership and possible ratification before the Fall term begins.

Lastly, YFA is available to you over the summer. Geri is working remotely and she will be off for the month of July. You can reach me via email, along with Steve Choi and Erik Andal, your VPs and grievance officers.

I know we’re all tired, both mentally and physically, so please take care of yourselves and take rest regularly please. We need you fresh in the Fall.

In Solidarity,

Shelley Akiona

YFA President

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